Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Today we walked for over an hour up and down a jungle path with banana trees, coffee and guava on either side. Streams, chirping birds, a sparkling waterfall and beautiful rainbow. We dropped our drawers and swam in the crisp mountain river. Mangos hanging from the trees everywhere.

Mango leaves are long and narrow and the trees grow tall and wide as an oak but I haven't seen a mango trunk that I couldn't reach my arms around. The mango fruits hang in bunches of 5 to 15 rippening in the hot sun.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

elder --> sauco

The elder plant is known here as sauco, and is used medicinally to remedy respitory problems. Steep elder flowers in steaming hot water, cover head with a towel and breathe the elder steam. So says Lucy, the sheep woman.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


This morning in El Tiempo we read that Colombia is the second most biodiverse country, following Brazil. Walking Gorkie, el perro de la tia, in the park we were shaded by eucaliptus. The majority of the trees, bushes and plants are all in bloom. Ever color and shape and size. Even in the capital city of Bogotá we are surrounded by diversity and impressive foliage.

A very popular ornamental tree, found in the small front yards and lining the streets, is the elder. I first recognized the leaves but was doubtful because the trunk measured a 10 or 12 inches in diameter. Then I noticed the flowers and was immediately convinced. It wasn´t til I found a berry and tasted it that I felt confident enough to announce it!!! This city is covered with elder plants... but their precious Vitimin C is not a scarce resource down here like it is in the north. My first investigation... what is the name and does anyone use it for food or medicine???

I am well and feel at peace. I ate papaya for breakfast. Give thanks.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

blanket of white

A comforting, calming, blanket of white descends upon my quite home as I prepare for the journey ahead of me. Slowly completing the necessary steps of winding down for winter, today we get to check 2 simple tasks of the list. A green house for our red russian kale, and to clean up the front yard. We are getting serious.