Wednesday, March 5, 2008

family fermentation

my mom and I are sharing our second batch of kim chee, a fabulous fermented food, made mostly of cabbage, root veggies, jalepeƱos, and handfuls of garlic. shredded, salted, seasoned, and shared with smiles in our quiet kitchen. every step is equally fulfilling.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

bald eagles

aint no lie. we've go bald eagles in Muir, Michigan. no kidding. down along the maple river lies the best kept secret of Ionia County. these majestic birds who bask in the glory and honor of our symbol of national identity have been blessed by more prayers and iconic replicas than any other critter on this continent. and in turn, we've been blessed by the sight of 'em.

my initial skepticism was squelched by the awesome sight of no less than 25 eagles, nearly 15 perched high in the stately branches of a proud and leafless tree, while another 15 or so bickered and bawked around on the snow covered ground.

weeks later as we drove up to the same site two mighty wings stretched out in flight before us. she soared no more than 30 ft above the hood of our truck. "that one's a young'ne," he smiled. "you see how the wings are still moulty, but the head is white? that means she's a two year, about to be a three year." he slowed the truck as a second winged beauty soared over us and he continued, "the first year's heads are greyish, while the second years are getting whiter, by the third year their colors are nearly matured and thier heads are bright white. she's a beauty isn't she?"

nothing like a bird of prey to spark a little romance.