Since May 10th of this year I have been
teaching Spanish in a rural Michigan high school.
The job is fascinating, enjoyable and extremely challenging.
I teach one intermediate class and three beginner classes.
My goal has been to utilize music as much as possible to enhance my lesson plans.
So far the students love the idea and seem to be picking up on the new rhythms and lyrics.
This focus on music was inspired by conversations with my Mexican friends who claim that the majority of the English the learned was from popular songs and movies.
And it was further inspired by visiting a Waldorf school in Louisville, KY where the Spanish teacher conducted a third of the lesson in songs.
I would be happy to share my lessons and more than thrilled to see how others have used music in their language lessons. Thus far I have used songs by the Buena Vista Social Club, Julieta Venegas, and Maná. Plans in the making include Café Tacuba and Manu Chau.